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Banks Must Divest From the Coastal GasLink Pipeline — or Hollywood Might Divest From Them

Sleydo' Molly Wickham and Mark Ruffalo, Rolling Stone

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Big banks risk their reputation with youth by betting on fossil fuels

Evelyn Austin, Now Toronto

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Canada’s banks and pension funds are financing a climate disaster

Alan Andrews, Ecojustice

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Sepia-tone poster of Canada's Big 5 Bank CEOs with cowboy hats below text reading "bankers on trial"

This Indigenous History Month, it’s time to hold Canada’s top bankers accountable

Tori Cress and Richard Brooks, The Hill Times

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CNO launches Climate Finance Scholarship Contest with Change Course,

Batul Gulamhusein and Dani Michie, Canada's National Observer

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The Donnie Creek wildfire burns in an area between Fort Nelson and Fort St. John, B.C.

Our banks are addicted to oil and gas and Canadians will pay the price if we don’t do something about it

Senator Rosa Galvez, Toronto Star

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