We're jamming RBC's media lines this week, here's why - Fossil Free RBC

The RBC Annual General Meeting (AGM) is THIS WEEK, and we refuse to let RBC spin corporate propaganda to hide its fossil fuelled crimes. 

If this is the first time you’re hearing about the RBC shareholder meetings, here’s the deal: RBC’s AGM is the bank’s biggest propaganda moment of the year. It’s where bank executives like CEO Dave McKay share information about the bank’s profits to its shareholders; profits that come from financing the climate crisis, and violating the rights of frontline, Black, and Indigenous communities.

RBC’s PR team has been going into overdrive ahead of the AGM, trying to paint a false and greenwashed image of the bank as climate friendly. We refuse to let RBC greenwash its complicity any longer. That’s why we’re jamming its press lines in advance of the AGM.

Will you make phone calls to RBC’s media relations spokespeople, and communications executives demanding that the bank stop funding climate chaos and violating Indigenous rights?

This weekend, hundreds of people rallied from coast to coast outside of RBC branches demanding that the bank divest from fossil fuels once and for all. Did RBC do the right thing? No, instead, the bank has doubled down, becoming a lender of last resort for fossil fuel projects and bankrolling projects that violate Indigenous rights.

So we’re bringing the fight directly to RBC’s door, at its AGM in Etobicoke. There’s an incredible delegation of Indigenous, Black and frontline leaders coming to RBC’s AGM to hold the bank accountable. But we need to prove these leaders don’t stand alone.

Will you make a phone call to RBC’s press lines in solidarity with frontline land defenders and community leaders and demand that RBC defund fossil fuels NOW? 

Fighting back against Big Oil and the big banks can seem like a daunting task. But RBC’s greenwashing this year proves that our pressure is working! We know this fight won’t be easy, but by working in partnership with frontline communities, we can win. When the people stand together, extraordinary things happen.